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4 Tips to Improve Contact Centre Collaboration

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Jeremy Watkin of 8×8 shares his favourite pieces of advice for helping your contact centre team stay connected.

Early in my career as a contact centre manager, our agents used instant messaging to ask their supervisor questions.

It was helpful for them to quickly share information and get answers, without walking across the office, as they worked to support customers.

One of my pet peeves was responding to a question, then learning that someone else had already answered the question.

On one hand, I applauded them for minimizing the wait time for customers, but on the other, I couldn’t help but feel like this practice of sending the same question to multiple supervisors, which I called “fishing for answers”, was a big waste of everyone’s time.

Collaboration tools have come a long way since the days of instant messaging. Whether teams are in brick and mortar contact centres, working remotely, or some combination of the two, these tools allow agents and supervisors to collaborate in solving problems and more expediently assist customers. And it eliminates the “fishing for answers” issue.

In this article, I’ll share a handful of tips for best using collaboration tools to enhance both individual and team communication.

1. Distribute Agent Support by Using Groups

The story I shared earlier can still happen using one-to-one messaging in a modern collaboration tool. And while there are reasons to communicate one-to-one, it’s not the best model for providing timely support for agents who need the assistance of a supervisor.

Agents should instead ask their questions to a group of supervisors, creating a distributed support model in your contact centre. This eliminates a single point of failure as well as the need to contact multiple supervisors at once to get an immediate response.

Pro tip: Create a schedule or rotation with your supervisors so someone always monitors groups for questions; otherwise you run the risk of either everybody or nobody taking ownership of supporting agents.

A final note – you may want to create different groups for certain issues, but be careful not to overcomplicate this. You risk confusing agents as they try to locate the best group to ask their question when the goal is to take care of customers as quickly and accurately as possible.

2. Answer Questions Once and for All

Remember that at the root of every escalated question from an agent is a question from a customer. Any time a supervisor answers a question, they should ask, “Should this question and answer be added to our knowledge base or list of FAQs?”

They can then train the team to search the knowledge base before posing the question to the group. This is a great way to build your company knowledge base, boost customer self-help, and keep information current.

Pro tip: When questions are asked and answered, if possible, edit the original post in your collaboration tool to also include the answer.

If unable to edit, write a new post with both the question and answer for the benefit of the entire team. Train agents to search for that question in the collaboration tool and in your knowledge base before asking the question of the group.

3. Monitor Group Conversations to Stay Attuned to the Customer Experience

Traditionally, leaders would stay attuned to the issues of the day simply by walking the contact centre floor, talking with agents, and overhearing conversations with customers.

For example, an agent completes a call and remarks, “That’s the fifth call I’ve received today about this issue.”

A good supervisor…

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