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5 Tips for Creating Lead-Generating Marketing Campaigns

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Marketing campaigns are fundamental to lead-generating on the internet and turning them into sales. If you don’t know how to run a marketing campaign, your business won’t grow. Some marketing campaigns are complex, utilizing multiple mediums and platforms to deliver an array of messages. But the truth is that most marketing campaigns don’t need to be that complicated. You can see success with a simple message and call to action—as long as you plan and execute it accordingly.

And that’s just how every marketing campaign starts—with a plan. Once you’ve outlined yours, here are some other helpful tips you can while implementing it to ensure an effective, lead-generating campaign.


Here are 5 of our best tips for creating lead-generating marketing campaigns:

1. Create Buyer Personas

Before you can market your product or service to a fresh audience, you need to be able to define what audience(s) you want to appeal to. To do this, it’s helpful to create buyer personas.

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal buyer based on data, interviews, and some educated guesses. It’s basically a definition of your ideal buyer presented in a way that sounds like it’s talking about a specific person.

There may be different people planning campaigns or tactics, so it’s important that everyone in your company knows who the messaging is directed at and what it should be highlighting. Buyer personas make it easy for everyone to be on the same page and understand what your ideal buyer’s priorities are and to help generate leads.

2. Define Your Offer

Your offer is what determines what types of content your campaign will be centered around. It should go without saying that this should be something unique. The more specific you can get with your offer, the better.

What are your competitors offering in their campaigns? They can be a great resource for brainstorming something unique that will appeal to your buyer persona.

Here are some examples of the types of offers you can promote:

  • Software demos
  • Sale discounts
  • Content downloads
  • Upcoming events

These are just a few ideas to help you get started defining your offer. Once you have a clear picture of what you’ll be offering with your campaign, it’s time to decide what types of content you’ll use to promote it.

3. Create…

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