Home » 5 Daring Direct Mail Campaign Trends Coming in 2020

5 Daring Direct Mail Campaign Trends Coming in 2020

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We hear a lot about online marketing strategy these days. From social media to email marketing, everything seems to be online. Therein lies the problem.

Everything is online, including your competitors’ marketing efforts.

To really stand out from the competition and make an impression your prospects won’t soon forget, you need to take a different approach.

A direct mail campaign is a surefire way to get attention and take charge of a medium that others have not.

Read on for five direct mail trends we plan to see in 2020.

1. Cross Promotion Via Different Marketing Channels

For any marketing campaign to be successful, it has to provide a streamlined experience across all of your marketing channels. Your direct mail campaign should integrate with other efforts, like email marketing and social media campaigns.

This cohesive approach to marketing serves to “innoculate” your audience. Rather, you’re giving them small doses of your product or service, so when they open that envelope from you, you won’t be a complete stranger… and your chances of gaining a new customer are higher.

2. Personalization

People don’t like to feel like they’re being sold to. To really make an impression on your prospects, you have to show them that you understand their problems and that your company has the solution.

To do so, you have to make them feel like you’re speaking directly to them and not some generalized audience.

Buyer personas are the way to get this done.

It’ll take some research, but once you have your personas, you’ll be equipped to target your audience better and send them custom information that appeals to their needs.

3. Provide More Educational Content…

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