David McInerney of Syrenis and Derek Lackey, Chairman, Response Marketing Association, openingly discuss the requirement to managing consent introduced by Bill 64. With new data protection and privacy laws being passed in many jurisdictions around the world (including Bill 64 in Quebec), organizations choosing to use personal information to personalize their marketing efforts must be able to prove consent. The challenge is: very few organizations have effective processes in place to track and record meaningful consent. Join David and Derek as they discuss the smartest and most efficient way to track, record and prove consent in today’s marketplace.
David McInerney, Syrenis, Commercial Manager
A trusted and dynamic senior Business Development executive with a proven record in creating, growing and selling complex software solutions into global markets. An inspirational team leader who consistently delivers results across the board in a highly competitive marketplace while achieving high levels of revenue growth through strong business acumen, creative thinking and excellent relationship building skills within multiple industry verticals including; retail, distribution, telco, entertainment, government, public sector, education and SMB clients. Extensive experience working within multi-channel organisations, as well as directly with partners and direct teams globally
Derek Lackey, CIPM, Response Marketing Association, Chairman
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