Join Derek Lackey, Chair of the Response Marketing Association, Abigail Dubiniecki of My InHouse Lawyer, Sharon Bauer, Founder of Bamboo Data Consulting and Constantine Karbaliotis, of nNovation as they do a deep dive into consent and data governance under Bill 64. In this panel, they explore the potential impacts on direct marketing for organizations of all types and sizes. This is a session every marketer who does business in Canada needs to hear.
Who Should Attend:
All marketers who use any data driven marketing (direct mail, email marketing, telemarketing, etc.)
What you will learn:
The new rules of consent in Canada…
How Quebec’s Bill 64 impacts all of Canada…
What changes you will have to make to your data management processes…
When you have to make these changes by…
Derek Lackey, CIPM – Managing Director @Newport Thomson
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