Rather than seeing them as opposing digital disciplines or channels, digital marketers are combining email and content marketing strategies to optimize results. It makes good sense to integrate the two as they form a powerful synergy that can significantly improve results – after all who doesn’t want more and better quality leads, and a boost to both conversion rates and customer engagement?
Moreover, almost 9 in 10 of the most successful marketers (89%) say that the most effective channel for driving marketing content to prospects is – you guessed it – email.
But what do the most effective email-driven content marketing strategies look like? To help answer this question, Adestra in partnership with Ascend2 conducted a new research survey.
This report, titled Email-Driven Content Marketing for Best-in-Class Success, exclusively represents the opinions of the 130 marketing influencers responding to the survey who described the success of their email-driven content marketing strategy as very successful, or best-in-class, when compared to the competition.
Most organizations have things in hand when it comes to implementing such a strategy. About three-quarters (76%) of best-in-class marketers reported that their organizations have already developed or are currently developing their email-driven content marketing strategy. Yet the remaining quarter (24%) are still only talking about developing a strategy or, worse still, are currently doing nothing. Taking an apathetic approach here is a dangerous game to play, you don’t want to be left in the dust.
What should be the key aims of your joined-up strategy?
It’s important to have clear goals and KPIs before embarking on an email-driven content marketing strategy.
The research shows the top priorities are: Improving the quality of leads and increasing engagement time, according to 54% and 49% of best-in-class marketing influencers, respectively (see chart below). These two priorities are, perhaps not surprisingly, also the most challenging barriers to overcome. However, by tackling these head on you are more likely to achieve success.

The other priorities identified are…