SaaS startups face several challenges when marketing their services to prospects. From brand name awareness, to lead generation, marketing your SaaS business requires maximum ROI for the lowest cost.
That’s why SaaS companies win with content marketing. The results are measurable, and the costs are low. It’s also why we use a SaaS-based model with our own content marketing. Small but steady investments can produce big gains, no matter how saturated your market might feel.
The biggest mistake we see: Jargon . . .
Your engineers and even some founders are innovators and developers, but sometimes they’ve immersed themselves in geek-speak for so long that they have a tough time explaining the need for your solution in a way other people will easily understand.
Secondly, there’s the humongous mountain of roadblocks that any startup faces. Those challenges include:
- Identifying their target customers
- Explaining what their products and expertise can do for those customers
- Selling those customers on how they can meet their customers’ needs better than a crowded pool of competitors
- Nurturing a long-term relationship with companies once they’ve become customers
Learn how your tech startup can swim with the SaaS sharks and emerge victorious with this guide.
Quick Takeaways:
- Identify your customer segments.
- Show what you can do for them.
- Set yourself apart from the competition.
- Nurture your relationship with your customers for the long run.
Start by Identifying Your Target Customers

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You might think that your product can make the entire world a better place. It might, but you’ll never reach the whole world unless you start with your most likely prospects.

Use Your Data to Create Buyer Personas
Even though your universe consists of code and intricate, elegant mathematical processes, your customers’ worlds likely do not. For that reason, putting a human face on each target customer segment can help.
Creating buyer personas can help you bring what you do down to earth. It’s a lot easier to figure out how to appeal to a “Marketer Mary” or a “Doctor Deb” than it is to a random collection of characteristics. Buyer personas condense all those characteristics into a memorable chunk of information.

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