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Control Freaks: Consumers Want Sway Over Email Frequency

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Control and simplicity are the two things consumers want most from brands — especially in their email marketing, according to The Great Divide—Connecting Brands to the Real Needs of Today’s Consumer, a study by Alliance Data.

They also want personalization, although not in the way marketers might think.

Of the consumers polled, 69% demand control over email frequency. And when they have it, 52% are more likely to pay attention to messages from a brand. And 50% are less prone to feel overwhelmed by marketing.

However, only 10% of brands are providing control in an adequate way, the study reports. In addition, 63% of consumers seek control over the content they receive. But only 24% of brands say they are doing a good job of providing that. 

Of 31 needs studied, simplicity is rated as the most important. That means clarity. But while 84% of consumers claim that clear content is important, only 49% feel brands are delivering it.

What do consumers want when it comes to personalization?

Only 31% feel that brands need to refers to them by name. But 77% crave tailored sales, discounts and promotions. And 75% want products featured online to be available in their local store. 

Less than half find value in messages based on past purchases or online/app browsing history.

Alliance Data surveyed 2,515 consumers and 200 retail marketers late last year. In addition, it gathered qualitative feedback.

Consumers seem receptive to email. But it depends on the vertical. 

Of consumers who buy specialty products, 53% will subscribe to a brand’s emails, compared to 44% of department store shoppers. In both these cases, email is the medium of choice.

In contrast, only 34%…

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